In order to allow us to perform a surgery or procedure you will need to give us your consent to proceed.
This is both a legal requirement and also an important process in finding out whether a treatment is really the right one for you.
Mr Dawe will take you through a consent process in his clinic to deliver:
Information about the proposed treatment and its recovery.
Information about the potential risks of treatment (no surgery can ever be risk-free, you may need to balance the risks of different possible treatments in order to decide which is best for you).
A discussion of material risks - risks which might be particularly important to you as an individual, or reasons why surgery might have greater risks for you such as if you smoke or are diabetic.
A discussion about the different options available to you (surgery is never the only option).
This is usually achieved with the use of a bespoke consent document which is individual to you and your problem.
Mr Dawe will make this with you in clinic and ahead of your surgery, so that you can take it away to consider whether you would like to go ahead with a particular treatment. Your GP will also receive a copy.
The document contains information about the points listed above, as well as details of how to contact us if you have questions about your care.
Generally for smaller procedures without general anaesthetic, such as injections, consent is 'implied' and you will not need to complete specific consent paperwork. You do however have to understand treatments in a similar way, in order to go ahead.
How should I prepare to give consent for surgery?
We recommend that you take time to find out about your condition, different treatments and how they might affect you. Bring a list of questions to your consent appointment so that we can discuss them ahead of your treatment.
You will normally have a consent appointment ahead of surgery once you have had an opportunity to consider the bespoke consent document. At this appointment we will discuss any questions or concerns you have.
If you would still like to go ahead we will complete a consent form together.
Do I have to go ahead after that?
No! You can withdraw your consent at any stage and decide against treatment.
If you are unsure a treatment is right for you then you should let us know so that we can have a further discussion about the best course of action.