The implant is made out of PVA, a type of synthetic material used in contact lenses. This can be used to help avoid fusion surgeries which can make the big toe stiff.
This can be implanted into your foot as part of a day-case operation, after which you may bear weight immediately.
Detailed information on the procedure may be found here
This can involve the use of physiotherapy, orthotics, injections or several different types of surgery
What is the recovery from surgery?
For this operation most people need to be admitted for a few hours and can go home the same day.
The procedure is usually carried out under general anaesthetic .
The cartiva implant is sited through a incision in the top of your toe
Your foot will be dressed and you will be given a post-operative shoe (not a boot or plaster)
You will need to minimise your activity for two weeks whilst your wound heals, but after this you can return to activity as is comfortable. It usually takes a few months to be getting back to normal.